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Ariola, 1977

The record Alenar was recorded in October 1977 in the studios of Albert Moraleda, with arrangements by Lautaro Rosas, who from now on would be the guitarist who accompanied her for years. The other musicians who took part on the album were: Víctor Ammann, Albert Moraleda, J.Ll. Moraleda, Ignasi Alcover, Enric Herrera, Salvador Font and Jaume Cortadellas.

On this album she recovers the song Què volen aquesta gent? which had been censored in 1968. There are also poems by Vicent Andrés Estellés, with two strophes by Maria del Mar Bonet accompanying the verses of the Valencia poet; one by Pau Riba, Es fa llarg, es fa llarg esperar, a song that represents a statement in favour of women about a poem by the Swedish poetess Edith SödergranWe the women; and two songs by Catalan poets, Joan Vinyoli and Francesc Parcerisas. Finally, four songs written by her: Eivissa, Temps de calabruixAlenar, with a strophe dedicated to the city of Valencia and Petita estança dedicated to the photographer and friend Toni Catany, who took the photo for the album cover, designed by Francesc Gitard, who would be remembered as one most outstanding of the time. Alenar had the collaboration of the flamenco guitarist Paco Cepero . Regarding the song Alenar she herself explained in an interview with Arcadi EspadaI began writing poems in strophes of four verses and now I have returned to my roots. “Alenar” is done in this way, although the strophes do not have any connection between them. […] It arose after having read quite a lot of popular Mallorca poetry […] I only used it for the technical part, the construction.

During that year, 1977, she gave recitals in Italy and Poland, in the latter recording a programme for Polish under the direction of Favià Puigserver and Lluís Pasqual and where Lluís Llach and Rafael Subirachs also intervened. She presented the album in the Teatre Lliure in Barcelona, the Teatro Alcalà in Madrid and in Valencia, and also appeared on the Yo Canto programme on TVE.

The concerts on the 19th, 20th and 21st of December scheduled for the Auditorium of Palma were cancelled by the singer in protest of the arrest of Albert Boadella and the Els Joglars company for premiering the work La Torna.

1978 was also very intensive in concerts. Worth mentioning are some such as that in January in the Teatro Bellas Artes in Madrid where she gave a series of recitals from the 10th to the 15th, later in the Teatre Lliure in Barcelona for two weeks; in March in the Teatre Quart in Valencia, also for two weeks; in April in the “Le printemps de Bourges” Festival in France; once again in the 6 Hours of Canet; in Berlin within the “Catalan weeks in Berlin”; the recital in the women’s prison of Barcelona, La Trinitat. She did a tour of the Spanish StatePortugal and Sweden. In December, in Granada, she gave a recital in homage to the painter Joan Miró. In all these concerts she was accompanied by Lautaro Rosas.

Photographs by Toni Catany , 1977

Photographs with Lautaro Rosas and others

Photographs by Toni Catany


Video tv Personatges
by Montserrat Roig, TV Catalunya