Bon viatge faci la cadernera
Ariola, 1990
The record Bon viatge faci la cadernera is dedicated to Noreta, a neighbour of the Bonet Verdaguer family in Pelleteria Street in Palma. In the dedication you can read: When I was a very small girl, Noreta, who lived above us, always had a moment, while she was doing some chore, to tell me stories. She was untiring, and a wonderful storyteller, since I had my favourites… and I made her repeat them over and again. I will never forget her, or her warm voice, or her patience.
Maria del Mar Bonet asked Gabriel Janer Manila to version tales selected from the Aplec de Rondaies Mallorquines by Father Antoni Alcover. It consists of 13 songs with music composed by 9 musician friends: Joan Bibiloni, Miquel Ángel Oñate, Enric Murillo, Antoni Parera Fons, Javier Mas, Toti Soler, J.M Curty with collaboration of Maria del Mar Bonet on the song El Drac de Na Coca, Luis Delgado, Javier Bergia, Vicent Ferragut and Feliu Gassull.
The record was accompanied by a booklet with illustrations by another friend, Carme Solé Vendrell, an illustrator of children’s books.
The album was recorded between February and March 1990 and presented for the first time on the 6th of April in Madrid within the “Estrellas en Madrid” cycle at the Centre Cultural Vila de Madrid. On the 28th of the same month it was presented in the Auditorium in Palma, Mallorca, where the musicians A. Parera Fons, Joan Bibiloni and Luis Delgado played as special collaborators and on the 28th of May in the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona. The tour of Bon viatge faci la cadernera reached many towns in Catalonia, the Canary Isles, Sardinia, in the Festival la Notte dei Poeti and returned to Barcelona for the Festes de la Mercè before more than 4,000 people.