Celebration of 30 years of songs
by Maria del Mar Bonet
Concert El Cor del Temps,
Palau Sant Jordi de Barcelona,
April 23, 1997
Manel Camp
Joan Manuel Serrat
la ballarina Catherine Allard
Nena Venetsanou
Lautaro Rosas
Paco Cepero
Ensemble de Musique Traditionelle de Tunis
Grup de Dansa de Mallorca
Lluís Llach
Coral Universitària de les Illes Balears
Javier Mas, guitarra dotze cordes, elèctrica, arxillaüd i bandúrria
Feliu Gasull, guitarra
Santi Burgos, viola i mandolina
Xavier Figuerola, saxo i clarinet
Dimitri Psonis, percussió, bouzuki i santuri
Jordi “Xoli” Satorra, percussió
Jordi Rallo, tables índies
Lluís Ribalta, bateria
Jordi Gaspar, contrabaix
Francesc Capella, teclats
Manel Camp, piano
Equip tècnic
Fitxa artística
Direcció escènica: Iago Pericot
Espai escènic: Ignasi Cristià i Iago Pericot
Coordinació artística: Mariona Sagarra
Direcció musical: Javier Mas i Manel Camp
Fitxa tècnica
Disseny de so: Ferran Conangla
Disseny d’il·luminació: Rafael Puigsamper
Tècnic de monitors: Robert Puigsamper
Coordinació de so, escenari i backline: Dani Almiñana
Producció tècnica i regidoria: Susana Jové
Assistents de regidoria: Marta Jové i Lourdes Español
Assistents de producció: Oriol Ferrer i Núria Peiró
Producció executiva: Jordi de Ramon Produccions
Organització: Ressons
In January 1997 she started again with two weeks in the Café Central in Madrid and ended on the 30th and 31st in Paris as a guest of College d’Espagne and the Cervantes Institute. Notwithstanding, 1997 was the year she celebrated 30 years of her professional career that would have its culminating moment in the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona on the 23rd of April with the concert El cor del temps where there were 11 guests: Manel Camp, Joan Manuel Serrat, the ballerina Catherine Allard, the black singer Nena Venetsanou, Lautaro Rosas, Paco Cepero, Ensemble de Musique Traditionelle de Tunis, the Grup de Dansa de Mallorca, Martirio, Lluís Llach and the Coral Universitària de les Illes Balears. The musicians who accompanied Maria del Mar Bonet in that anniversary were Javier Mas, Feliu Gasull, Santi burgos, Xavier Figuerola, Dimitri Psonis, Jordi “Xoli” Satorra, Jordi Rallo, Jordi Gaspar, Francesc Capella and Manel Camp. El Cor del temps had Iago Pericot as stage director who contributed strong visual and theatrical ingredients to this concert. The audience comprised more than 17,000 people. El cor del temps was recorded live and led to the issue of a double-CD.
The last week of June and the first of July she repeated in the Plaça del Rei with the same concert in a more intimate format and without guests, which was called Sis llunes de quart minvant, even though in the end there would be five concerts because the rain forced the cancellation of the first one. Later she toured with El cor del temps around Catalonia and the Spanish State for one year, often with different guests according to the places she performed. In August she sang in Lithica, the Pedrera de S’Hostal in Ciutadella, Menorca, and on the 1st of September in Greece, in Salonika, the European capital of culture, in the “Women creators of two seas” series. She collaborated on the record Rosas a Rosalía by Amancio Prada and shot the film by Ventura Pons Autor per autor, produced by the SGAE.
In 1998 she continued touring with El Cor del temps. In January she gave two concerts in Glasgow. In Galícia she invited Amancio Prada, Emilio Cao and Uxía. She took part in the homage to Federico García Lorca, De Granada a la luna, directed by Rosa Vergés with Oda a Salvador Dalí. She published her second book of poems and paintings, Quadern de viatge with Columna Edicions and collaborated on the record by Loquillo, Con elegancia, with the song about the poem by Pere Quart Quin fred al cor, camarada, and the record by Jackson Browne, Sing My Songs to Me with Song for Adam accompanied by Javier Mas.
She took part in the IX Festival Cantigas de Maio in Seixal, Portugal, before more than 1,000 people and the Festival Internacional de Música de Torroella de Montgrí . In the Plaça del Rei she invited the Italian singer Lucia Galeazzi in a concert where they both ended the recital sharing work songs from Mallorca and Italy. She also took part in the 30th anniversary of the Grup de Folk formation and the 10th anniversary of the Altaveu de Sant Boi.
El Cor del temps crossed the Atlantic: it reached Argentina where she sang for the first time. She performed in Buenos Aires, Paraná and La Plata. She continued her journey around South America and took part in the homage to Salvador Allende in Chile “Con Allende siempre” on the 4th of September, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of his death, in the National Stadium of Santiago before more than 65,000 people.
In October 1998 she toured Morocco for the first time. The cities she visited were Casablanca, Rabat, Fez, Tangier and Tetouan.