Jo em donaria a qui em volgués
Concèntric, 1969
The singer’s third single came out in 1969 which included two songs: Jo em donaria a qui em volgués, a poem by Josep Palau i Fabre with music by Maria del Mar Bonet and Si véns prest with her own lyrics and music. The arrangements were at the hand of Jordi Soler (Toti Soler), at that time considered very avant-garde, and other musicians who took part were Josep Polo on the drums, Doro on electric bass, Jordi Sabatés on the Hammond organ and piano, Ramon Escalas on flutes and Toti Soler on the guitar and electric bass. This record is surprising for a style approaching pop with which she was not identified.
On the 23rd of October she presented her new single in the Cova del Drac in Barcelona. Josep Maria Espinàs introduced the event, in the presence of Josep Palau i Fabre and the Sabadell poet Joan Oliver (Pere Quart) who intervened and dedicated the poem Ripoll to Maria del Mar Bonet. Manuel Vázquez Montalbán wrote a review in the magazine Triunfo and said: When Maria del Mar finished singing, she sat down on a seat and took in the spectacle of the band which played rhythmically what until then she had been performing through sung words. The audience moved as they would move in any catacomb of electro-sound. But it was not the same. The words had left a memory. That rhythm had a meaning.
During the year she gave different performances throughout Catalonia. Of note was the appearance in the Festival de la Nova Cançó in França, in Cerdenya and in different places in the Spanish State where she began to be seen as one of the best singers in the country. She gradually became more and more popular.
In December she was awarded the Catalan Record of the Year prize for the song Jo em donaria a qui em volgués in the best poetic song section.