Maria del Mar Bonet
Concèntric, 1970
Her first LP was issued at the end of 1970 with arrangements by Antoni Ros-Marbà. It includes six traditional songs from the island of Mallorca, two from Menorca and six songs of her own. Included in this album are songs such as No trobaràs la mar, Jota marinera or Dona’m sa mà which became classics of her repertoire. Maria del Mar Bonet has always highlighted the magnificent work of Antoni Ros-Marbà on this album. The versions in Spanish of the songs were by Mercè Verdaguer, her mother.
In Februray of that year she made a tour of the Spanish State. In Madrid and Salamanca she was very well received by the student audience who came to hear her. In March she performed in València and in the Cova del Drac in Barcelona for one week, which she would repeat in July in what were called “Nits d’estiu”, summer nights. On the 19th of March she gave a concert in the Auditorium of Palma where the hall was packed to overflowing, with the corridors and stairs occupied and they needed to put chairs on the stage.
On the 25th of November she gave a concert in Bristol, England and later in Stockholm.
In December she did a series of concerts in the Teatre Romea in Barcelona along with Ovidi Montllor and the group Dos+un.
During that year she appeared in two television shows: Marenostrum of Catalan TVE, and in Estudio Abierto, also of TVE, with state-wide coverage.