Quico i Maria del Mar

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Quico i Maria del Mar
Ariola, 1979

Between the 8th and 17th of June 1979, the Teatre Romea in Barcelona hosted the series of recitals Per Corpus al Romea by Maria del Mar Bonet and Quico Pi de la Serra together. The record was later recorded in the Moraleda studios in Barcelona. Even though the concert was long with repertoire by the two singers, the record includes songs by Pi de la Serra, by Pau RibaRobert CharleboisLi Po and Stevie Wonder, and for the first time the song Petita festa by Toti Soler and Jim which became a classic by Maria del Mar Bonet.

The musicians who performed both in the series of concerts in the Teatre Romea and on the recording of the album were, as well as Quico Pi de la Serra: Manel CampGabriel RosalesAlbert MoraledaPipo TuduriSanti Arisa and Aureli Vila. The arrangements were done by Manel Camp in what signified the beginning of a collaboration that would lead them to record two more albums together: Ben a prop (1989) and Blaus de l’ànima (2011).

Photographs to
Per Corpus al Romea, 1979

Graphic Documentation

Popgrama TVE 1980
Directed by Àngel Casas

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