Saba de Terrer
Ariola, 1979
The album Saba de Terrer was recorded in January and February of 1979 in the Moraleda studios, with arrangements by Lautaro Rosas. All the songs are popular Mallorcan songs adapted by Maria del Mar Bonet and Lautaro Rosas. It should be noted that for the first time she recorded El Cant de la Sibil·la (Song of the Sybil). She dedicated the album to the singing teacher Maria del Carme Bustamante and introduced it with a quote from a fragment of the poem Del Pla by Maria Antònia Salvà from which she took the title of the album in a clear reference to the source which for the singer represents popular Mallorca songs:
Aquí té saba el terrer,
la gent franques escomeses
i amors que esclaten enceses
com les flors del magraner.
I aquí jo, fins a la mort
vindré a cercar-hi bellesa,
baix del sol de ma infantesa,
dins l’aire pur del record…
(Here the earth possesses sap,
the people sincere confrontations
and loves that explode aflame
like the flowers of the pomegranate.
And here I am, till the day I die
I will come in search of beauty
Under the sun of my childhood,
In the pure air of memory…)
The cover and inside photograph were by the photographer, and priest of Llucmajor, Tomàs Montserrat, rediscovered by Toni Catany, who was the author of the back cover.
The concerts given again this summer in the Plaça del Rei in Barcelona were the setting to present this album with the sole accompaniment of the musician Lautaro Rosas, and which the critics of the time described as a memorable concert.
On the album the musicians were: Xavier Batllés, Enric Esteve, Eduardo Gattinoni, Manolo Miralles, Eliseo Parra, and Lluís Sedó, as well as Lautaro Rosas and Maria del Mar Bonet with the cuatro.
Among all the concerts she gave throughout the year mention must be made of the tour of France in March: in Rennes within the VI Festival Arts Traditional, as well as Corsica and Montpellier.