For many, it is the most important female voice that has given the Catalan song.
Produced in its first stage by the mythical group Els Setze Jutges, it has interpreted
with equal success the cultured poetry and the popular one, and has immortalized in ours
language classic themes of the French song (“The Black Eagle”) and American
(«Jim»), within a ductile musical universe, but always coherent. Maria del Mar
Bonet (Palma, 1947) has been recognized, at home and abroad, as an artist with great talent and sensibility,
which has earned him, among other awards, the Creu de Sant Jordi (1984), the National Prize
of Music (1992), the Ramon Llull Prize (1999), the Luigi Tenco Prize (2003), the Gold Medal of the
Ciutat de Barcelona (2006), the Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts (2010) and the International Prize
Cubadisco (2011).
The present year 2017, in the celebration of fifty years of musical career, has published the
Overseas disc and has appeared in bookstores Intensely, a complete and careful work, of which it is
author, journalist Jordi Bianciotto, who thoroughly checked the artist’s career.
I speak with Maria del Mar Bonet a warm spring lunch, between the polychrome walls of the
Tradicionàcius gracienc, this space that, under the guidance of master Jordi Fàbregas, has hosted
so many memorable evenings of our best artists of popular music. I appear relaxed,
in a good mood, happy for so many good things as he has lived through these fifty years
which, he says, “have been flying”, but, at the same time, with the constant push to move forward
new projects and new commitments. And with his voice warm, with slight inflections of the Mallorcan speaker
-This voice that has fallen in love with so many audiences around the world-explains it to readers
of «Serra d’Or».