Maria del Mar Bonet
Bocaccio, 1971
At the end of 1971 she recorded her second LP with the new publisher, Bocaccio Records, which was issued at the end of 1972. This album includes poems by Anselm Turmeda, Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel, Josep Palau i Fabre and emphasis should be given to the fact that for the first time the song Em dius que el nostre amor was recorded, from a poem by Joan Vergés and music by Toti Soler. It also includes traditional songs and her own compositions, such as Mercè, Cançó per una bona mort, No voldria res més ara and Cançó del bon amor and only one from a previous single, No voldria res més ara. L‘Àguila negra, then, does not form part of this LP. In 1981 this record would be reissued with this song included.
During this year, 1972, the differences in began to surface about future goals with the publisher, with artistic direction by A. Milhaud, who suggested a commercial strategy, to sing in other languages, which she did not feel identified with.
In June she appeared on the TVE programme “Estudio abierto” an in July the radio show “Las Galas de la SER”, giving a full concert in the Madrid radio station, broadcast across the state.
The performances she gave that year were accompanied, for the first time, by a stable group of four musicians: Jordi Clua on bass, Ia Clua on guitar, Jaume Cortadellas flute, and Francesc Pi on the cello, with whom she performed until the end of 1973.
During 1973 she began studying singing with Maria del Carme Bustamante.